Enough with the intro, let’s get to the interview!
I am a huge fan, and have been ever since I first heard “Victim” and saw the video for “I Let Go”. I will admit that I’m a huge Eighteen Visions fan, frankly your music helped me through a really hard time last year, so I just want to say thank you so much for that.
Since then I’ve followed your career and I have to say I LOVED Monkeys Are Machine Guns, I honestly had never heard anything so amazingly brutal.
Again, thanks for letting me do this and helping me get this music blog project off the ground.
Thanks a lot man. I'm glad to be a positive thing in your life
What are some of the bands/music, past and present, that you listen(ed) to and feel have influenced your musical style?
Way too many to list but to name a few key players: depeche mode, nine inch nails, the cure, afi, iamx, pig destroyer, pet shop boys, himsa, placebo, prince, madonna, at the gates, bauhaus, new order, crystal castles, tears for fears, sade, portishead, nero, noisia, from ashes rise, and all of the bands I have played in and still play for are a huge inspiration to me
Your first major band was when you joined Eighteen Visions in 2004, how did this come about, and how did you feel joining a band that had already been established for nearly a decade at that point?
It’s funny to hear that the first major band I joined was eighteen visions because to me it was my 2 high school bands loftus and tire iron. These two band in my mind at that time were the greatest so to me those still stick out in the forefront of my music career (I can't wait for people to look those 2 bands up and realize how ridiculous that is haha). Back to the 18v question - when I was in high school eighteen visions was one of my favorite bands so naturally I was at every show and the hardcore community in Orange County at that time was amazing so I became good friends w some of the members. When the time came to find a drummer they asked if I could quit school (I was 2 yrs in to my art major at Loyola Marymount) to tour full time. I was ecstatic! then the bad news of "cool you have 4 days to quit school, learn the whole set, move out of your apt, store all your shit somewhere, tell your family that you are quitting college to join some band, aaaaaand leave for tour" - most hectic 4 days ever but I loved it
Do you feel that your inclusion helped steer Eighteen into that ‘Arena Rawk!’ sound on their last record? Or was it more of a natural, “it just happened” sort of thing?
Well I was always a fan of the weird/artsy/heavy shit I grew up with but being a part of a band like that and helping it progress into something a lot bigger was a great experience for me
Last Eighteen Visions question (haha), which was your favourite song to play live, and which song from their back catalogue do you wish you had the chance to play live?
I loved playing vanity and john lennon.
I always wanted to play flowers for Ingrid
Having been a member of a good few music/band projects, working with a variety of different folks, which one do you feel you learned the most from? Which one was/is the most true to your ideal sound?
I most definitely learned everrrrrything from touring w 18v - I was a 19 yr old kid that knew nothing about touring at that point. The most true to my sound would be monkeys are machine-guns and the witch was right since I write all of it
It’s the nature of underground metal and harder types of music for members to be in multiple bands at once, something that’s pretty much unheard of in any other genre and form of music. Do you feel this helps the individual and allows them to explore more avenues of work or does it hinder them with way too much work?
I think it’s great - never have I ever seen a more insestual scene than the industrial/electronic world. You pretty much get to pic and chose which people are the best at each thing and who you get along w the most
You recently leant vocals to Motionless In White with the track “Sick From The Melt”, which is amazing btw, how did this come about and are there any current bands that you’d want to work with
Thanks I really like how that song came out and love all the positive feedback I'm getting from that song. Chris has always been a big 18v fan (hence the MIW band name) so naturally I've become friends w him and the band was kind enough to have the witch was right open their first ever headline tour. we got along great and did some songs together live so I think thats where the idea came from. it was cool of Chris to let me write my parts on the song as well =)
As well as music your obviously into tattoo’s (both getting them and actually giving them too) and art in general, has this been something that you’ve always had a passion towards?
Yes definitely. Ever since I was little I was obsessed with tattoos, wanted to be covered, and wanted to do them. When 18v broke up I finally had time to pursue that passion. I wanted this to be a hobby vs a job but still take it very seriously. I just bought everything and taught myself (I was fortunate to have a lot of friends that were covered already who didn't mind a fucked up "learning" tattoo from me haha)
What is your favourite tattoo that you have, and which is favourite that you’ve given to someone?
My favorite tattoos I have are actually the ones friends or family members have given me (they look terrible but mean the most). Here r some of my favorite tattoos that I have done:

Last question, what can we expect from the future, whether it be music or it be more art-based projects?
I will always tattoo, paint, shoot, and write monkeys are machineguns/the witch was right albums =)
Thanks so much again Trevor, its much appreciated, good luck with everything you’re doing whether its music or art-related, and I'll keep on rocking out to Eighteen Visions :)
Thank you so much
I can't put into words just how nice and genuine Trevor came across, really hope I get to see him perform live someday.
Thanks for reading people, hope you all enjoyed :)
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Seriously awesome! I'm right there with ya Sean. I definitely consider Trevor an idol. His musical talent and tattooing style is among the best I've ever heard/seen. I appreciate the both of you for making this happen!